Atom | Commands

Utility | Sea of Thieves | Fun | Moderation

Auto Voice Channels


Used to control properties of a voice channel. Used instead of the voice channel interface.

Sets the limit of the current voice channel

There is a max limit that can be set of 24. Clicking remove limit will remove the limit from the voice channel.
Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Changes the name of the current voice channel

This command can only be used every 5 minutes, due to limitations with Discord.
Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Sets the region of the current voice channel.

Discord regions have changed recently, so certain regions such as "London" are no longer supported.
Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Kicks a member from the current voice channel

Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Transfers the ownership of a Voice Channel to another member in the same Voice Channel

Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Creates a thread for the members in the current Voice Channel

Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Sets the new owner of the Voice Channel

Can only be used if the current owner has left the Voice Channel

Hides the current Voice Channel from / makes the current Voice Channel visible for the @everyone role in the server.
Running the command when visible will hide the channel and vice versa
Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.

Save a preset of the current Voice Channel settings, or load a pre-saved one.

Can only be used by the Voice Channel owner.


Sends a Direct Message to the specified member with an invite to the voice channel.

Custom Commands


Adds a custom command to the current server.

The trigger word for the command
Do not add the prefix on trigger word.

Atoms reply when a user sends the trigger word


Removes a custom command from the current server.

The trigger word of the command to remove.


View the custom commands in the current server.



Sends a TTS message in the specified Voice Channel



Activates different setup processes.

Setups up core features such as prefix, SoTShot Channel, Twitch Drop Channel

Setups up Atom logging. You can had different channels for different types of logging such as, member, voice channel, join and leaves!

Sets the Looking For Crew module so members can easily make embedded LFC messages

Creates a reaction role.

Sets the auto pirate legend reaction roles in the server.
INFORMATION: A demonstration of this module can be found here
For information on how your information is used for this, please read the Terms of Service

Members how join the server will be required to link their xbox account and sign into the Atom website, upon doing so, will get the member role in the server. Make sure this is used in a channel members can't see, and people without a role can.


Actives or changes the channel members must join to create a Voice Channel.


Activates or changes the channel the suggestions will be sent to.


Sets what role or roles to give to a member as they join the server.


Sets the message sent via DMs to a member as they join the server.


Sets or removes a channel to be a media only channel. This means only messages with links or attachments can be sent in there.


Creates a message to be "pinned" to the bottom of the channel.


Disables a command or module in the current server.


Enables a command or module in the current server.


Sets the message to be sent in the welcome channel when a member joins the server.
Available variables:{member}, {mention_member}, {server_name}, {server_owner}, {server_member_count}


Tests all automated annoucements as setup correctly, such as SoTShot messages, Twitch Drop announcements etc etc


Resets Atom in the current server.



Provides information about the provided user.


Provides information about the current server.


Creates a channel at the top of the server that displays the number of users in the server.



Used to suggest something for the current server.


Moderator only command to accept a suggestion.


Moderator only command to deny a suggestion.

SoT Support


Sets the channel Atom | SoT Support will be in.


Gets the information about all the known errors in Sea of Thieves.


View all the available errors Atom knows about

Game Events


Setup Game Event announcements like Twitch Drops and Gold Rush

Sets up Twitch Drop announcements

Due to a limitation with the Twitch API, Atom relies of drops manually being added to the system. This means that some last minute "unannounced" drops may be missed<, or announced late.

Sends announcement messages at the start of gold rush into the specified channel.

Sends automatic messages when time limited in-game cosmetic items are released.


Removes the game events specified in setgameevents



Disables SoT Shot posts in the current server.


Emables SoTShot posts in the current server.

Looking For Crew


Starts a LFC session.

Atom will send a DM to you and ask a series of questions.

All Round Fun


Classic 8ball game

Your question for the 8 ball.


Makes Atom send a message in another channel within the current server. (Moderator Only Command)

The Text Channel to send the message in.

The message that Atom will send in the specified channel.


Creates an embed and sends it in the specified channel.

The Text Channel to send the embed in.

The colour of the embed.
Available colours: Red, Blue, Green, Purple, White, Black, Yellow, Light-Blue

The first line of the embed that will be displayed in bold.

The main bulk of the embed. To get a new line type '\n'.

A URL to an image that will be attached to the embed.


A random choice between heads and tails.


Generates a random number between a minimum and maximum value.

The minimum number of the dice. Default is 1

The maximum number of the dice. Default is 100


To ensure the bot is alive, the bot will respond with 'Pong' and the ping value.



Used to start the set up of a giveaway, Atom will then proceed to ask a series of questions about the giveaway.

Pick Winner

Picks a winner from a giveaway message.

To use this command, right click a message, select "Apps", then click "Pick Winner"


Move Message

Moves a message to another channel.

To use this command, right click a message, select "Apps", then click "Move Message"


Changes the warn limit in the current server.

The number of days before a member counts as inactive

The reason to prune the members.

Will only prune members with these roles and @everyone. If a member has a role not specified here, they will not be pruned.


Changes the warn limit in the current server.

The amount of warns a member can receive before being banned.


Removes a given number of messages from the channel.

The number of messages to delete.


View how many warn all members in the server have.

The specific member to view the amount of warns for.


Removes a warn from a specified member in the current server.

The member to remove the warn from.

The reason for removing the warn.


Warns a member in the current server.

The member of warn.

The reason for warning the member.


Kicks a member from the current server.

The member to kick from the server.

The reason for kicking the member.


Bans a member from the current server.

The member to ban from the server.

The reason for bannning the member.


Removes a ban on a member from the current server.

The member to unban in the server.

The reason for removing the ban from the member.


Add / Remove a role from everyone or view information on a spefic role in the server

Adds / Removes the specified role from everyone in the server.

Displays information about the specific role.


Bans a member from using an Atom reaction role.

The member to ban.

The ID of the message with the reaction role attached.

The reason for baning the member from using the reaction role.


Removes a ban from a member for using an Atom reaction role.

The member to unban.

The ID of the message with the reaction role attached.


Locks a channel such that the specified role cannot send message in it.


Unlocks a channel such that the specified role can send message in it.



A moderator only (Must have the "manage_messages" permission) command to configure AutoMod features in the current server.

Activates status checking. This makes Atom check users status for banned words when they send messages.

Stops Atom from checking users statuses for banned words.

Sets the banned words list in the server with Atoms default word list.

Shows the list of banned words in the current server


Adds a banned word to the server.

Send either one word, or a list of words seperated by a comma and spaces ( , ). This is NOT case sensitive.
For example: "one , two , three"


Removes a banned word to the server.

Send one word at a time. This is NOT case sensitive.
For example: "one"



Displays the help command.
Shows general information for the server, and displays useful links.

Provides a link to Atoms support discord server.

Provides a link to the Atom donation page.



Changes the prefix used for custom commands in the current guild.

Moderation only command, requires the administrator role.

The new prefix, for example !


Disabled welcome messages in the current server.


Enables the welcome messages in the current server.

The channel the welcome messages will be sent in.


Shows the profile picture of a given member

The member to get the profile picture of.

Wether to show a server profile picture, if one is set for the given member.


Gets the given time in unix form

The time to get the unix code for. In the form (hh:mm)

Your timezone.


Get the full range of unix time codes


Shows all the disabled commands in the current server.

Only shows commands disabled via Atom and not through discord.

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